Steam Level: (Ranked from 1 to 5, as noted by the author): Steam Level 4
Books 1 & 2 only 99cts. This is the first book in the Ken Ross Romantic/Erotic Suspense Series. A guy chasing his last hopes of romance finds a freezing homeless gal on an alley of an American city. He could leave her to die or take her home and care for her. But she’s not just any gal; she looks half her age, is interesting, wild and attractive, and he starts to hope that something can develop. She has no past, not even a name, and they strive to get to know each other in more ways than one. Can they really make a future together? Will the years of wasted pain ever subside? A fascinating story of unusual romance, dry humour, and emotional turmoil that leads to a surprising climax.
Get WASTED PAIN (Ken Ross Romantic/Erotic Suspense Series Book 1) at Amazon
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