Steam: Steam Level 5
Cathy Coleman, the only daughter of a wealthy father and a socialite mother, is crazy about Scott Sampson, the owner of the barn where she boards her horse. Frequently breaking the rules to get his attention, one day she pushes the envelope too far. To her horror he pulls her over his knee.
Scott is a no-nonsense, old-fashioned cowboy. Though the spoiled young woman has been a constant source of trouble and deserved to be put in her place, he finds her sexy as hell. He can only hope she doesn’t take her horse and head off to another barn.
To his surprise the fiery exchange ignites their smoldering attraction, but behind the scenes rouble is brewing.
Cathy’s mother is determined to marry her daughter off to a rich Italian show jumper, and with evil cunning she comes up with a scheme to make sure it happens.
If you enjoy take-charge cowboys, feisty females and sizzling suspense, you’ll love this award winning love story. Mount up with Cathy and Scott for a wild, romantic ride. Click the link today.
Get Her Forbidden Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 12) by Maggie Carpenter at Amazon
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