The world of romance novels wouldn’t be complete without the vast richness brought by historical romances. But not all historic romance books are created equal. They can range both in time period and location, and some span across decades or even centuries and continents.
Below are some of our favorite historic romances, along with links to all our books in each category. You can also browse the entire collection.
The Regency era technically spanned from just 1811 to 1820. But the term Regency refers to a certain style and courtliness of manners that is associated with romance novels with stories set even beyond those years.
The Victorian era was defined by Queen Victoria’s reign from 1837 to 1901. Because the Regency era could be loosely defined to overlap her reign, or because there are stories that span a long period of time, you will find some novels classified as both Regency and Victorian.
The Medieval era, also known as the Middle Ages, took place from the 5th to the 15th centuries.
American historical fiction can span from before the official colonization of the country to as late as the mid-20th-Century. This includes Western historical romances that take place loosely between the 18th and mid-20th centuries.
Time Travel
Time travel romances provide a delightful option for historic romance book fans, because they allow the reader to visit a wide variety of historical periods.