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Both of the Davis twins are sexy and irresistible. Who will you choose–#TeamSeth or #TeamSam?
In Taking Chances, the first book in this fast-paced and exciting series, we meet Abigail Brown, a 28-year-old divorcée who has never felt sexually satisfied, much to her chagrin. Despite being self-conscious about what she considers to be her body’s failings, she has built a terrific life for herself in the quaint, lakeside town of Harbor Shores, Michigan. Abby thinks she has discovered her happily-ever-after ending when she stumbles upon the perfect man, Seth Davis, who shows her the intense sensual bliss her body is capable of enjoying. Just when you think you have this book all figured out, some unexpected surprises come along and completely shake up Abby’s world.
In Making Choices, the second book of Abby’s story, she is faced with the impossible decision of choosing between the Davis twins. Who will Abby choose? Who should she choose? Will her decision make the twins hate each other? Abby has made a mess of her life. Will she be able to fix it and mend the relationship between the brothers she cares about?
If you love reading about naughty, complicated love triangles, you definitely want to spend the day (or night) getting to know the Davis twins in Chances and Choices!
Get Chances and Choices: The Davis Twins Series (Books 1 & 2) by Ann Omasta at Amazon
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