Steam: Steam Level 5
Emma Harrison is a risk-taking acclaimed photojournalist, and when she arrives in Sydney she cannot wait to face the challenges and shoot breathtaking photographs for her new book, Life On The Edge.
Derrick Palmer, a no-nonsense Aussie cowboy, has been tasked with her safety. He knows how deal with the menace of ferocious crocodiles, poisonous predators, and unpredictable weather. He can also handle a stubborn, determined woman. The brash American quickly finds herself over his knee, but he didn’t count on erotic sparks threatening to hurtle him into the flames of a sizzling romance?
Feel the heat as the explosive passion erupts between the iron-willed cowboy and the obstinate photojournalist. Join them as they face the danger and excitement of the beautiful but menacing Australian desert.
Get The Cowboy From Down Under (Cowboys After Dark Book 2) by Maggie Carpenter at Amazon
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